Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tech Tip: Simple ways to control a 3D Spline

Category: 3D Splines

Many times during sketching, we have to create splines. If the spline follows along a pre-defined plane it is not too difficult, however there are times when you may want it to move in other directions. Additionally, we tend to create splines with too many points. Next time keep the points to a minimum and adjust the position with multiple view ports.


Start a 3DSketch, select spline and proceed to sketch. Remember to keep the qty of point to a minimum.

Split your screen into 4 view ports, and adjust as needed. You can use the triad to reposition your spline for greater control.


  1. There are many other tools to help you adjust your splines, just click on it.
  2. Remember to practice often, and try to use 3d sketching more frequently.

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